Can you see the cow in this picture?
a helpful suggestion: It sometimes is helpful to look at things from a different
point of view! Some people find it helpful to turn the picture upside down, to
either side, or even, to squint at it. However you go about it, when the COW
does appear to you, you'll have a very real feeling of what it's like to
discover your dog from a more complete mental point of view, as he truly is!
Once you have seen the COW you will find it almost impossible to NOT see it. In other words... the experience of discovering the cow is so powerful that your previous perception of the picture will have been virtually "erased."
So it is with your dog. Once you come to understand the true mental nature of your dog you will discover, through the same sort of vivid experience as with this simple picture, a new dog, literally a Dream Dog. However, rather than a visual experience, yours maybe a mental "awakening." It is this mental flexibility to seek to gain new understanding that is required to be successful in the teaching and conditioning of your dog with DOG-MASTER® LEARNING SYSTEM.
If you feel you have this ability, DOG-MASTER® will guide you toward success in solving ANY problem with your dog, or in your "training" your dog to do anything you could wish. And all this will be accomplished without any physical force, pain, or punishment for your dog; only with praise upon your dog's response and achievement!