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Running Time 1:20:45
These are the original recordings on tape, now
remastered into an audio CD version.
Dr. Dare Miller has personally prepared the material
for these recordings. The Master CD is particularly
useful in that it gives the basic method of the
Dog-Master® System. It is an invaluable aid to the
beginner to hear the actual delivery of the rhythm– conditioning
The Master CD is also a pre-requisite to all the
other audio CDs contained in a series we call The Dog Psychology Series
Valuable voice instructions ensure even greater
speed and success for the DOG-MASTER® SYSTEM user.
The recording was broadened and redone to include
users’ suggestions.
Here’s a sampling of what our clients say about the
taped audio:
"... hearing the directions surprised me for what I might have
missed without this..."
"... just hearing the method given by someone else made it all even
faster and simpler..."
"...I followed in the book while I listened..."
" clear, you imagine you’re doing it yourself..."
"...being something of an old hand with dogs I think
I needed to hear this to fully appreciate… After
hearing it I corrected my best dog of a fault he’s
had for years… in about one minute flat. And that’s
a fact!"
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