Whether you're teaching DOs or DON'Ts, your timing is critical to your success. Your timing is off if your word is even a split second behind the sound.



The DOG-MASTER® method is simple but incredibly fast. As you progress you must speed up your technique, with each call lasting for no more than one second.



As discussed here in the middle section, these instruments are not toys. Keep them silent as much as possible. The sound should only be "heard" by the dog during teaching, or when correcting problems. Otherwise it may only create confusion.



Wash and clean all the instruments with warm water and soap or detergent after every use. Dirt and grime may start affecting the sound if the instruments are not properly maintained.


Now You Can Have a Dream Dog!

is FUN and EASY! The sound controls your dog’s attention and carries his mind wherever you want. Dr. Miller's patent is also a METHOD patent, so the instruments and their proper use are co-existent, part of one cohesive system. We've already presented the WHAT. Now we discuss the HOW.


The DOs and the DON'Ts

The DOG-MASTER® method is really very simple. The technique is categorized into 2 groups: the DOs, and the DON'Ts. Both techniques involve sounding the DOG-MASTER® instrument at the right time, but there are major differences in the steps.


The DOs: As the term implies, DOs are things you want your dog to do, like COME, SIT, STAY, HEEL, FETCH, GUARD, RETRIEVE. The amount of words your dog can learn is really limitless. Teaching DOs requires the owner to call the dog's name and to speak the command at the exact same time the instrument is sounded at the dog.


The DON'Ts: Did your dog soil up your velvet drapes? Obviously, that's a DON'T. DON'Ts are all things you want to teach your dog NOT to do. It is all about problem correction. Unlike the DO technique, DON'Ts are taught without speaking. In fact, it is vital to NOT speak at all as speaking draws the dog's attention to you instead of the correction. They are really easier to teach than DOs. See examples here.


äNOTEä No matter how much you want to correct your dog's behavior right away, DON'Ts are best taught AFTER teaching COME, because your vital  Master-image must first be established, or your dog will never take other directions well.



The dog in the picture to the right is so "tuned in" to Dr. Miller. He sees Dr. Miller as leader, protector and master. Your own success looms large when your dog sees you as teacher, protector, and leader of the pack. That is your goal.



First, you teach "COME." COME indoctrinates your dog. COME is the only word-command where your dog is to respond to YOU, and becomes tuned in to YOU alone. COME makes you seem ten feet tall to your dog. Other commands are made for your dog to respond elsewhere, like Sit, Stay, Fetch, Point, etc. When your dog comes to you instantly at all times, all other commands and problem corrections become a breeze.



Before you teach COME, you must first know how to handle the instruments properly. Keep in mind that they are NOT toys; they are precision-made to produce a very sensitive sound. Any small movement will cause the tuning fork to vibrate. So, try not to dangle or jiggle it. Keep it "silent" until the right time comes. There are 2 ways to produce this learning sound:

  1. Hold it in your palm and give it one quick shake— a “chink” as we call it. Just one chink. That’s all you need.
  2. Flick or toss the instrument toward the direction of your dog, where the sound can reach him. It sounds as it lands.


Now, fix in your own mind that, where the sound is made to occur, that is where the dog's mind and total attention will be drawn to.

  1. Sounded in your hand where you are, the dog's attention is instantly on you.

  2. Sounded right at your dog at the exact same time and instant as your voiced command, your dog understands that you have reached him/her from a distance with a word.

In moments, you've acted out a new concept to your dogð COMMUNICATION!




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The DOG-MASTER® instruments are a highly advanced evolvement of the principles behind Pavlov’s (1849-1936) famous bell and conditioning experiments. Pavlov chose a bell because a dog’s hearing is his keenest learning sense, far faster than pain. Pavlov’s research established that the particular nature of canine reflexes allows a dog to be more easily conditioned to create new or more desirable responses. And once conditioned, to involve more of his mind and mental abilities resulting in a greatly expanded thinking and understanding dog.



This is a picture of Robert Boyle's jar, the 17th century experiment that proved that a bell rung in a vacuum could NOT BE HEARD, due to lack of any atmosphere to carry the sound.


The same is true for the DOG-MASTER sound― the heavier the atmosphere (meaning the higher the humidity), the better any sound is carried.



When a person or a dog moves rapidly away from the source of a sound, he hears the sound as changed to a lower pitch. Conversely, if moving rapidly towards the source, he hears a higher pitch. The M-3 and the M-4 instruments successfully counteract this phenomenon.