
Dare Miller's dog Bronzy was a real working dog. Every morning
and night he hurried out alone to herd the milk cows to and from
the pastures. He enthusiastically used a special hand-made
dog-wheel, when placed in it, to churn the family's butter, and
to turn the grindstone. Bronzy's ever willing dog-power was also
used to draw water from the cistern. This was especially useful
in 40º below zero weather when thirsty stock still had to be
As if that wasn't enough Bronzy happened
to save young Miller's life-- not once, but twice!
Read on.... |
Dr. MILLER featured in:
- Saturday Evening Post
- Los Angeles Times
- Ladies Home Journal
- Sports Afield
- American Field
- Hunting Dog
- Spotter Magazine
TV show appearances:
- The Art Linkletter Show
- The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson
- The Today Show (with Barbara Walters hosting)
- Betty White's Pet Set
- The Joe Pyne Show
- The Dick Cavett Show
- The Merv Griffin Show
- The Mike Douglas Show
- ABC After School Specials
Dr. Miller: the movie and TV consultant
- Run for the Sun (1956) starring Richard Widmark.
- The Lassie TV Series
Yes, he goes back a long ways. Yes, he is legendary. Part of this
stems from his outstanding academic background not usually found in the
dog world. But let us start with some bits of interesting information:
- Was taught Native American horsemen's secrets by a Chiricahua
boyhood friend on the plains of Wyoming in the 1930's.
- Trained wild mustangs to come when called, ride and jump barbed
wire fences, and then demonstrated them to prospective buyers.
- Brought and applied many of those skills to movie and TV dogs
after leaving the service in World War II. He actually even had bit
parts (uncredited) in a few movies.
- Continued by teaching many well-known celebrities with their
dogs while in medical school. It was there he discovered the
similarities of the dog's brain to the human brains, realizing that
dogs could actually think as humans do.
- Ever present in his memory was his American Shepherd, Bronzy, who on
at least two occasions actually saved his life.
- All these culminated in the amazing discovery that is
DOG-MASTER®, the fastest way to achieve true communication between
dog and master.
Dare Miller was born in Longmont, Colorado in 1927. Following his
mother's death at age 7, he came to live on his aunt's cattle ranch on
the plains of Wyoming. This family, like most in the area, had a dog:
"Bronzy," an American Shepherd. Ranchers expected their dogs to work and
Bronzy was no exception.

This sort of loyal, working relationship with
the family dog is not uncommon to rural America. Bronzy made a lasting impression on
young Dare
Miller. How deep this impression really was would not be fully apparent
even to himself until he moved to Los Angeles, following his World War
II naval service, and began his life's work.
His aunt was a school teacher, so it was not
unusual that he should seek higher education. Though he originally began
his major in Medicine, by the time he had finished Pre-Med his strong
interest in human behavior had guided him into the fields of psychology
instead. Income from the G.I. Bill for Veterans was not sufficient so he
sought part-time and summer work. Observing great difficulty the city
people had with their dogs and making full use of his boyhood knowledge,
he was soon in demand training dogs.
However, the "obedience system"
originating with the WWI German military-style trench dog training so
common back then required physical force and punishment. He came to
object to these methods, for his own experiences told him
that dogs need not be physically forced to behave correctly for man. If
actions spoke louder than words, what was really being taught? Dare Miller sought the answer as he worked toward his Doctoral degree
in Psychology. Eventually Miller's keenly analytical mind crystallized
the main problem: most city dog owners had no meaningful working
relationship with their dogs, therefore no mental communication with
their dogs. Furthermore, owners who tried physical force and punishment
only seemed to make the situation worse by unintentionally reinforcing
the problem.
follows next is several years devoted to research on what would
eventually become DOG-MASTER® LEARNING SYSTEM. In the 1960's, when one of his method patents for dog teaching initially broke the
news, all of the big TV shows at the time sought his appearances. And of
course, they saw the nearly unbelievable demonstrations: Dr. Miller
controlling dogs— both good AND bad— with only his soothing voice and
the unique canine communication instrument in his hand. No leash, no
chains, no collars.
For these he received noteworthy comments from the big wigs at the
time like Johnny Carson and Art Linkletter, including the unforgettable
exclamation "It really works, it's no humbug!" from an astonished Joe Pyne. For those who remember Joe Pyne, he was very good at exposing
"humbugs" on The Joe Pyne Show.
All this fame, celebrity, and media exposure were really quite a
stark contrast to Dr. Miller's early life as a young cowboy growing up
on the great Wyoming prairie. To this day, he is still a cowboy at
heart, often reminiscing about his Native American friend, his horses,
and his dog.
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So now you've read about Dr. Miller's boyhood memories, skills, work with movie dogs and celebs,
the Doctorates in Psychology and a Philosophy.
You might say, "why is this important?"
All this simply explains why DOG-MASTER® LEARNING SYSTEM:
teaches your dog to know your voice
incredibly fast
instills in your dog an amazing
motivation to please you
is the real answer to abandoned dogs
and emptying those so-called animal shelters
Now you, yes you, can have a Dream Dog!
- The Secret of Canine Communication (1966)
- The Dog Master System (1975).
Charter member of the American Society of Veterinarian Ethology.
His success with dog owners has been the subject of 2 short
films, one made by the University of Southern California and the other
was produced by ABC Television. Both USC and ABC filmed him working with
dogs and masters at his Canine Behavior Institute in Brentwood,
Dr. Miller is shown above in an undated photo with Monte
(1970-1986). Short for “The Count of Monte Cristo,” Monte was Dr.
Miller’s therapy dog with both adults and children. A veteran TV
performer, Monte is sorely missed.
Dr. Miller is presently living in Southern California, but
returning often to Jackson, Kaycee, and the “Hole in the Wall” Wyoming.